"Working Late for your Energy Needs"
White Wolf Land Service is centrally located in Bakersfield, California, and specializes in land acquisitions and project management for energy companies, oil and gas exploration and production, land developments, energy plants, and facility operations. Rick Peace, President of White Wolf Land Service has been in the oil, gas, and title industry for over twenty-five years, which includes several years of work with Union Oil Company of California (Unocal), and the Chicago Title Company (formerly Title Insurance and Trust/Ticor Title).
With over 200 years of combined experience, our network of energy consultants permits White Wolf to offer a broad spectrum of services from a single responsible source. Our personnel have been associated with projects in Alaska, California, Texas, Louisiana, Oregon, Washington, and Colorado. Past and current projects encompass numerous activities that will allow White Wolf to handle almost every aspect of your current or future projects in California, Washington, and Oregon.
White Wolf Land Service has extensive experience with land rights and issues as an energy consultant, with the acquisition of hundreds of miles of rights-of-way for pipelines, transmission lines, and road access. Plus, we have provided thousands of Title Reports, not only the acquisition of surface rights, but for the leasing of oil, gas, and mineral rights for the energy exploration industry. In addition, we have completed due diligence to determine the ownership and encumbrances of thousands of miles of rights-of-way for several major oil and utility companies.